Ardmyrian | a language with many regional dialects spoken throughout Ardmyre, Craith and Kurg |
Canthelese | language of Canthelon, an off-shoot of Old Rothnn which is heavily influenced by Rissian and the Elven and Dwarven languages |
Darastan | language of the upper class of Darasta |
Inabaw | language of the plainsmen tribes of Elsena |
Khazir | the native language of Lethasta, also spoken throughout Veslir, Bune and Cenni |
Naluk | a language shared by human tribes of northern Lethler |
Norling | the native language of the northmen of Lethler |
Old Rothnn | archaic language of the Rothnn people |
Ossaran | the language spoken by the ruling class in Seph |
Qasi | the common language of the southern continent, spoken by the servant class in Darasta and as a primary language in Lorroth and Kalshia |
Rissian | the common language of most of Reylan, originating in Riss, but influenced by Torunese and Zolonian |
Rothnn | modern language of the Rothnn people, influenced by Rissian and Torunese |
Sephtan | the language spoken by the lower class in Seph |
Skrritch | language of various peoples of Luir, Goa and northern Geilir |
Torunese | ancient language of the people of Torune, now used primarily in religious practices in Riss and Torune |
Versonan | language of the nobility of Versona |
Waymi | language of the Waymi people |
Zolonian | ancient language of the people of Zolan |